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Closson Chase, an award-winning winery founded in 1998, was one of earliest wineries to set foot in Prince Edward County and helped to spearhead the birth of PEC as a wine region. This was also one of the first wineries we ever visited when we first started coming to visit The County many many years ago!

One of the reasons we love this place so much is not only because their wines are truly spectacular, but their staff is incredibly friendly and helpful and the tasting barn is just beautiful. In recent months, we have been fortunate to attend a couple of events - the first being a dinner that was part of their summer supper series, and the second was their annual "Verjus Celebration". On both accounts, Keith Tyers, resident winemaker, played host.

Keith has a remarkable energy, is highly personable and approachable (one would never feel intimidated to ask a basic question about winemaking!) and he is incredibly passionate about the art of making wine. Not only did Keith play host at both events we attended, but he also threw himself into helping to make sure the events ran flawlessly; he took great care in ensuring we were all educated on the winemaking process, and that we had a great time.

If you plan to visit The County, you must make Closson Chase one of your stops. And, you should check their website and social feeds for information about upcoming events. If you see one that interests you - do it! I can almost promise that they won't disappoint.

Closson Chase Vineyards is located at 629 Closson Road, Hillier


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